Madrid. My mother that lots of people.
(The review appears in the comments. I decided to put it here and so porco give more prominence to it. In addition and continue with the comments, which are amazing. At the moment I leave the photos as I am told Pepe who did not have any)
At 8.30 h in the morning 5 young-Alfonso, Joe, Martin, a compilation of Martin (I think it was called Raul) and myself - and a young woman (Montserrat) occurred in the Commissariat of very exclusive Salamanca district to be meeting with the Half Marathon of Madrid 2011. The morning began with thunder are you Pepe?
After a 20 minute walk to the Retiro arrival time glued to the ass to drop the bag and collect the chip. At this point we have to thank the great José Miguel his providential appearance (the world is a handkerchief) and extraordinary support for the location of delivery points and collecting clothes chips, because without great help if we were still making sure returns for the withdrawal.
Anyway, after making several sprints we started to tail bunch because the head was unattainable (the crowd), despite the efforts of Alfonso.
PAM career starts, well in our case six minutes after walking about half a mile to the starting line.
The first kilometers were chaotic as people look for holes to run, but there was no Martin desperately tried to pull his father becoming hollow with Alfonso bus lane attached to the ass and witch looking for ways to escape the risers. Thus passed the first 5km or so.
Martin was desperate to find holes, Alfonso followed him, and Martin Pepe was holding back (that was the tonic) and I saw that this pattern that I could take a toll decided to find my holes and my rhythm. From then pulled forward without looking back and I lost contact with the group.
From this time I traveled alone. The km 10 was stuck at home in 0:55:00 (I was going as planned to try in the last 10km to improve on and off the hour and fifty).
But from 15 began suffering, very sore legs on the asphalt, looking for holes in narrow streets and embarrassment, much embarrassment. But still continued to maintain my goal was shooting 5:20.
The debacle came in the 18 (cuidadin to the marathon) the harsh ramp Alfonso XII "dedicated to Gabri", when you think you have finished, splicing and in the retreat with Paseo del Duque Fernan Nuñez (this I do not think go for the marathon) that Worse still, ended with the few resources that I had.
From there the people were crying to come in two endless kilometers inside the Retiro to finish José Miguel (beating recors guess), MEND (1:52:40 h as a result of the disastrous final three kilometers), Pepe alias the windy, "Martin and Alfonso (around 1:55 and Montse and friend of Martin (around 2:06)
then we gather in the closet (with a siren SAMUR vehicle operation) and from the station , that if the sky had been clear. At least not hear thunder are you Pepe?
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