The Epic of Gilgamesh
first known novel of the story, written in cuneiform on tablets before 2000 BC The book is the legend of the Babylonian king, who is two-thirds divine and his friend and companion Enkidu. It is very entertaining and enjoyable, and involves various stages, friendship, the prowess, the loss of his friend, the quest for immortality, there is even a story within the story, a flood with a huge boat with all the animals within me does it sound?. Is it about the mythologies, which caught some things from others, and the reasons are repeated. Highly recommended. On the version I read I want to reflect. First there is an "Introduction", but she spends one thing that is very common in introductions and forewords, we have the whole book. More than an introduction is a detailed analysis of the work. So why not call it by name?. Luckily I noticed the second page and leave for after reading the story, and then the analysis more enjoyable.
first known novel of the story, written in cuneiform on tablets before 2000 BC The book is the legend of the Babylonian king, who is two-thirds divine and his friend and companion Enkidu. It is very entertaining and enjoyable, and involves various stages, friendship, the prowess, the loss of his friend, the quest for immortality, there is even a story within the story, a flood with a huge boat with all the animals within me does it sound?. Is it about the mythologies, which caught some things from others, and the reasons are repeated. Highly recommended. On the version I read I want to reflect. First there is an "Introduction", but she spends one thing that is very common in introductions and forewords, we have the whole book. More than an introduction is a detailed analysis of the work. So why not call it by name?. Luckily I noticed the second page and leave for after reading the story, and then the analysis more enjoyable.
I also recently read a book that should have read 20-25 years ago, but that he will do, but better late than never
Treasure Island (Robert Louis Stevenson ) A no I will explore this wonderful novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, that I enjoyed from beginning to end. What if I have clear is that in a few years, I have to give to my nephew. In this novel, the pirates are not "groovy" Pirates of the Caribbean type, as written closer to the time that is related, they are described as they are, as despicable and murderous thieves and murderers. And just like kids today believe that these murderers were cool, for those movies, who knows if in 300 years, films will be children's books on other subjects, and they say, for example "as molaban terrorists." This thought is not entirely mine, is taken from a drawer, Miguel Brieva.
Bhagavad-Gita Or the song of the blessed, is a part of an epic from the Hindu epic and sixth centuries BCE This part is the conversation between a warrior and Krishna (seventh avatar or incarnation of Vishnu). It's very spiritual on how to reach nirvana and stuff, banish hatred .... One issue on which much emphasis is on ourselves to action. We stand by the result whether good or bad, what matters is the action itself, the greatest sin is inaction. For Gandhi this book is a spiritual guide, and once said "Our reward is the effort" ... To that I will apply all this? ... I read several months ago and now I'm rereading much more carefully trying to work it.
The black pirate ( Emilio Salgari ) For those who think between this and Treasure Island, I've been set back at 12 years, I also wonder. Correct novel adventures Salgari but I just filled. He was never in the places he describes, but very well documented, and it shows in his descriptions of encyclopedias, including scientific names of animals or plants. Above all, the hero is even more fantastic than the current action heroes, what to others is impossible, for it is very easy, does things without breaking a sweat, and plenty of excitement is lost. And the only possible surprise is coming sooo far. In short entertaining but nothing more.Gods and Myths of Ancient Egypt (Robert A. Armour) Good book for beginners in Egyptian mythology, analyzing individual and orderly each god, its origins, characteristics, their political influence area, and a story about it. Do not go to much detail, but say it is to start on the subject. I bought half and reading, I see that I have blank pages, not inserted within text, but it lacked what was in those pages. I had to go change it, you had to ask ... let the book to read later. From the Life of a useless (Joseph von Eichendorff ) Fun, short, easy to read and very readable novel, about what would be a "nini" S XIX, which will go world , and they pass all sorts of things. I spent the novel wondering if is that you are stupid, instead of seeing reality as it is, you want to see how you want it, which at some point we have all done, and at the end .... I'm not going to say, I will not bother the novel.
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