Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Injury Elbow Lower Arm Pain

En cuanto a la mitología Greek I had been the story of Cronus and Rhea who were the heads of the Titans, but there was more and I will name a few.

Ocean, the river was confined foreign land, do not participate in the fight against Zeus, even said that he asked his daughter to help Stygian Zeus.
Tetys He married (not to be confused with Achilles' mother Thetis), and their children out n Rivers and Oceanides. In the Theogony are named 41 Oceanides but only say the most important. Metis
personification of cunning intelligence, after becoming pregnant was swallowed by Zeus, is the mother of Athena walleye. Another is Eurynome
also had relations with Zeus and gave birth by Petie
Graces (persuasion) appears at times as an assistant of Aphrodite. Tyche (Fortune).
Doris was the wife of Nereus and mother of the Nereids. Clymene is the wife of the Titan Iapetus.
Styx, the goddess of the infernal river was also another Oceanid, like many of the servants of Persephone in Hades.

Another Titan was Iapetus, who married the daughter of Ocean Clymene, and had children important as Atlas or Prometheus.

Themis is the personification of law and order and Mnemósimne memory. Nor does it seem that these were put against Zeus, even in some text appear as first wives de Zeus, con las que tuvo por hijas a las Horas (estaciones), con la primera y a Las Musas con la segunda.

Hiperion, se casó con Tea (divina) y fue padre de Helios el sol, Selene la luna y Eos la aurora.

Ceo, casado con Febe (Radiante) y padre de Leto (que será madre de Artemis y Apolo). Hesiodo también nombra como Titán a Crío, que tiene una importancia menor.


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