Friday, April 29, 2011

Digital Play Ground Promotion

De Gijon marathon nerves

After the visit to the canal on Monday, Tuesday I did something I usually do not train three days. Morning
gym, and in the evening I went out to tow, and went to Arraiz the tracks. A joy to five hundred meters from my house and then start walk into the forest that you ask yourself but I was not in town?. And above, after a tough climb, opening the hill with the sun behind a light mist, the day was spectacular that you feel truly free, the feelings were all time great.

There also are elements of American track, but old and rustic, and that made it must be like Gasol a la altura a la que están... El caso es que al irme a subir a uno me dio un tirón en el cuadriceps de la leche que no podía mantener la pierna estirada, después de un poco de recuperación vuelta para casa, con la pierna dolorida. En total 10,5 km.

El miércoles descansé y el jueves me tocaba gimnasio por la mañana y rodar por la tarde pero decidí ser prudente y no ir para dar descanso a mi cuadriceps.

Y mañana como ya dije voy a la media maratón de Gijón para hacer 1:40, y más me vale hac er eso, ni más ni menos, porque voy a llevar el globo, es decir que voy de liebre, estoy de los nervios a ver que no me lance o vaya demasiado despacio, que tal se corre atado a un globo.... Ya os contaré que tal se me da el tema.

De verdad que estoy nervioso ayer dormí fatal, así que hoy de la que venía para Oviedo pare en uno de mis sitios favoritos, no es que sea el lugar más hermoso, pero para mi es un lugar especial. Supongo que todos tendremos espacios así, yo aquí me relajo mucho y me siento muy muy a gusto. Lo único que no me di cuenta y volví a hacer que el guia-guarda de Peña Tu tuviera que subir y ya puestos me volvió a explicar las pinturas megalíticas.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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En cuanto a la mitología Greek I had been the story of Cronus and Rhea who were the heads of the Titans, but there was more and I will name a few.

Ocean, the river was confined foreign land, do not participate in the fight against Zeus, even said that he asked his daughter to help Stygian Zeus.
Tetys He married (not to be confused with Achilles' mother Thetis), and their children out n Rivers and Oceanides. In the Theogony are named 41 Oceanides but only say the most important. Metis
personification of cunning intelligence, after becoming pregnant was swallowed by Zeus, is the mother of Athena walleye. Another is Eurynome
also had relations with Zeus and gave birth by Petie
Graces (persuasion) appears at times as an assistant of Aphrodite. Tyche (Fortune).
Doris was the wife of Nereus and mother of the Nereids. Clymene is the wife of the Titan Iapetus.
Styx, the goddess of the infernal river was also another Oceanid, like many of the servants of Persephone in Hades.

Another Titan was Iapetus, who married the daughter of Ocean Clymene, and had children important as Atlas or Prometheus.

Themis is the personification of law and order and Mnemósimne memory. Nor does it seem that these were put against Zeus, even in some text appear as first wives de Zeus, con las que tuvo por hijas a las Horas (estaciones), con la primera y a Las Musas con la segunda.

Hiperion, se casó con Tea (divina) y fue padre de Helios el sol, Selene la luna y Eos la aurora.

Ceo, casado con Febe (Radiante) y padre de Leto (que será madre de Artemis y Apolo). Hesiodo también nombra como Titán a Crío, que tiene una importancia menor.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cheat Boot Stretchers

Courtesy of my friend Antonio (Empa).

Monday, April 25, 2011

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Other Titans Canal de Castilla III. Lock 14 - Osorno

Después de un viernes y un sábado de total y absoluta pereza ayer salí a correr sin tener ni un gramo de ganas. Me salieron 12,5 kilómetros con malas sensaciones desde el principio, pero bueno left. Today

of returning to Bilbao, I went to the Canal de Castilla, to follow gradually completing the journey. The last stage had made in the summer and start playing where I left off in the lock 14.

And get to the bridge that leads to the largest Osorno.

started a little lower, as there is a good place to park in an area where a pleasure boat, but I do not think there field jump back as far as 14 and then turned away.

After passing through the aqueduct Abánades where the canal passes high above the river, then down to take a photo. And then continuar, hasta llegar al puente que ya comente y volver hacia la furgo.

Las sensaciones han sido malas, con los isquios cargados y salvo contadas ocasiones ritmos bajos. Al final me han salido 20,5 kilómetros. Fotos de hoy.

Me estoy pensando si seguir, el sitio para correr es genial, llano, camino de tierra, tranquilo (hoy apenas me cruce con tres personas), con árboles y sólo oyendo a los pájaros; pero también es muy monótono y puede hacerse aburrido, además el último kilómetro de hoy y en lo que veo que me toca después los árboles desaparecen, con lo cual es más aburrido aun. Ya veremos que a lo mejor es sólo que hoy tuve a bad day.

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CONE April 25, 2011 Premiering

two years, 730 days, 17520 hours and I have flown.
And what lies ahead. Bsazo

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fills me with pride and satisfaction that the four winds and jog, run or walk, or, indeed, performed a "social event" (Designation, according to some of the coaches on Sunday), whatever it is I'm here.

Today I went out alone with the intention to make about 8 km. but in the end have left 13.230 km, with a time of 1:25 pm A gentle pace and even more on the downhills. All training has been by forest track and a piece by the torrent of Vilamoura-Sanma Climent. Back on
km 10,800, in the stream till I stopped to walk the mile 11.800, at that point bothered me a little knee, so I decided to go to finish the workout as devido, running, albeit ritmillo but finish with some dignity.

very smooth trot On Wednesday and Sunday bike. Best deviled

for everyone.

Friday, April 22, 2011

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start from the beginning to talk a little this week:
Monday: Gym morning and 11.5 kilometers to 5 '/ km
Tuesday : gym in the morning and afternoon shooting with playing back, but was extremely exhausted, without an ounce of energy and also when I had to change me to go start a small storm, so I stayed home and went to bed very soon.
Wednesday: I was good rest, but had to recover, shooting nearly 12 km, rising a Artxanda por los caminos que salen desde el puente La Salve a las 7 am, viendo desde arriba como la línea del amanecer, la sombra del monte, iba desplazándose por Bilbao, mañana despejada con temperatura ideal, y primera vez que subo a Artxanda sin parar a andar en ninguna rampa. Subidón.

El jueves, ya en Asturias fui con un amigo a subir al Tiatordos (1.951 altitud) en el Parque Natural de Redes . Llegamos a Pendones a mitad de subida al puerto Tarna aparcamos y comenzamos a caminar, partimos de una altitud de 765, por lo que el desnivel es de unos 1.200 metros.

Ya en el parking se nos unió un pastor alemán que nos iba acompañando unos metros por delante nuestro. Pasamos el primer tramo que es asfaltos y en seguida empezamos por una pista de tierra, pero que se empina enseguida con fuertes pendientes.

Un rato más arriba cogemos un desvio perfectamente señalizado y subimos por una estrecha canal por la que baja un riachuelo, la cual esta llena de rocas y piedras. Un poco más arriba la canal se abre un poco separando el camino del rio y hace que la ascensión, aunque dura sea más cómoda. A estas alturas nuestro guía canino nos lleva bastante ventaja y lo perderíamos definitivamente de vista.

Terminada la canal, el camino gira a la izquierda para bordear una formación rocosa encima de la cual volvemos a aparecer, entrando en una pequeño prado único flat part of the day, from here we are the final 300 meters of altitude. The view makes us raise our right and it looks greener on the other side rock.

way but found little, most of the climb where we do can, as there are rocks and green are most thorny bushes. The land has a steep slope and is physically hard, even short steps we have to spend a little rock climbing (not much). At the end skirt rocks to the left and heard her speak, act drop followed three had reached the summit, and down a beautiful road, also were accompanied by dogs, which had cansado de nosotros.

De ahí y ya en el camino poco más hasta salir a la arista, que recorremos un poco hasta llegar a la cumbre. Tanto esta como la arista son espectaculares con una caida vertical por el otro lado impresionante, en realidad todo la formación forma una media luna. Se ve muy bien tanto la forma como la caida en google earth (43º10’27.32”N 5º13’13.92”O).

Comemos algo e iniciamos el descenso ya por el camino, que se hace cómodo, no me apetece quitar el freno e ir un poco más rápido, con lo que ese frenar me va poco a poco cansando el cuadriceps completando el entrenamiento (el que no se consuela...). El último tramo del camino es totalmente por rocas, with somewhere a bit more complicated, nothing fancy, but it does not see that from way down there. Just below

see appear on the boundary of a group that is flat again with the dog, and say that although there are rock, better take the road. Those who are falling behind our recommended them climb up where we ignore them ...
My opinion is that if the path is there is something to see if they think they open the roads in the most difficult ... Well they know.

We take the channel is longer than us going up and then the track, with its outstanding hard pounding the quadriceps following us all for not wanting drop and run a bit, is that there was no desire. We arrived quite tired with just 12.5 kilometers walked without rest, is almost all uphill and then downhill. Here photos of the day.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Swallows Mature Girdle

Peñalara boots

Everything is dark, but insistent sound is determined to get me out of my dream. I open my eyes and just goes clear through the cracks of the shutter, the moment I realize that sound is the alarm clock and will be seven in the morning.
is Sunday and we have free (surprise surprise) so let's get on the saw to jump a little between rocks and snow. But hey, no need to run, so as is normal, we give you ten more Minutillo margin. At the end of the prospect we have of the day is very good, we went to bed to prepare. Light breakfast and getting things finished. Almudena
received as a birthday gift a pair of hiking boots, some with a pint Chiruca phenomenal. And you do not see the time coming out.
traffic is more than poor, especially coming to Collado Villalba, where we took the exit to get to the port of Navacerrada. Reaching Preserves, parked as usual in front of the Sale Marcelino, I prop my boots and pick the team. And up. Although we have some great days and heat, here's fog and the temperature is five degrees positive. We cherish a little with the hope that as we gain altitude we exceed the fog and the sun hot. We had a moment
information center to leave us a plane, and warn us so that we care especially in fog. Anyway, the path is known and we have the "Garmin" and we do not see the problem. The truth is that in the mountains and over the snowy ground, the fog is an element of respect.
We took the route that leads from the shed on your right towards the stream of Peñalara. The mist gives an almost ghostly to the path and not let us see almost nothing about. We are glad to wake up early because we only met a mountaineer, we forward apace.

The route is only known so I will not expound on describing how to follow it. Just stop to rest and pace that we is very good, until I take photos up to not to too. Almu is delighted with his new boots and slowly left the wooded area we crossed the bridge over the creek and climb Peñalara up the hill. The views are spectacular, the combination of granite and snow is beautiful. We welcome and allow us the luxury to stop a while to enjoy the views.

The next step is to border the area of \u200b\u200bspecial protection of species, small glacial lakes that are subject to native fauna. We try to respect fully the marked path, but in areas with more snow we would get closer to the shore to shoot some photos than others.

cross the lagoon area gaining height gradually up to the circus and is a joy. First we are, we see only a mountaineer who is walking towards the lagoon of carnations, the fog has been in the valley and have a sunny view of Peñalara leaves us speechless and we still have the best route forward.

We walked across the snow, avoiding areas where melting is occurring not to screw it up (literally) and we are gradually reaching the lagoon birds.

overboard with care after taking a photo and decide follow the rope to the Risco of the Carnations. But we have no crampons or snow equipment or anything, so to avoid a shock, we decided to sit in the sun to watch the circus taking a snack.

Slowly starting to reach people and more people and break a little magic. So after a rest we decided to return to the car, we've been eating and do not want to be late for lunch ahead.

piano, piano we get into the fog, Geppetto gets a little crazy and confuses me a few minutes, but hey, the logic returns to empower me and take the good route to Dos Hermanas.
We met each time with more people, and the most diverse. Mountaineers equipped to the last breath from the effort of walking (ballooners we say in cycling) and people who go to dress shoes, awesome. We
the car a little tired but happy as partridges, I think we deserved a meal at The Ivy in Los Molinos.
repeat, for sure. PD
allusions here I save my sunburned face that I had for lunch and desktops.
Almu PPD is a champion.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Poodle Australian Shepherd Mix


Lately I feel very well, not physically if not mentally. And there is no question that this happy or cheerful, if not that I feel very strong psychologically.

Throughout last year, gradually increasing the strength and I went there for a fall and was well, that made me run as I ran the marathon Donosti. If not in this state, would not have been improved and there would also mark, looking from a distance and perspective I'm very proud of that race.

And later, as December and I was in a state of security and confidence they never had in my life, so I decided to go ahead with the goal that I had raised in spite of having a month's delay change from Bilbao to San Sebastian Marathon. Then came the trouble for wanting to move too quickly in the preparation, and a psychic blow me away it ended up.

That made me come to me down, but not calculate what might have been not have met so strong before, it helped me that the downturn was not as deep or as long, and I have gradually been recovering and again I find myself just as strong, capable of seeing anything that raised me, always realistic, and knowing the time it takes me everything.

And again I feel this good, but learning from the past, so I'm taking an important goal-free season and cementing a good base. And the best part is that this self-confidence and inner strength is not just for running, but that's where it is formed, is for all aspects of life and makes my usual slump, are becoming fewer in number, intensity and duration . Vamos que estoy de puta madre.
