Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Community Service Hours Completion Lettersample


comment the other day Isidro the issue of Spectrum and remember the good old days of 8 bits, in my case an Amstrad CPC 464, with its endless burdens on tape, I remembered a site, where there are a lot of games to play Spectrum in the website,

And there are many, perfectly arranged by year, legendary games like Manic Miner, Three days in paradise, Jet set willy, Match day ...
But going to come today to ponérosla does not allow me, I get a message "forbiden", which pisses me off for two reasons, because I can not get from time to time to take a practice match at the Jet Set Willy, and because it's going to fail just when you want it to recommend. The dirección es:


También puede ser que el problema sea mío y a vosotros os funciones, entonces os ruego me digas porque puede ser que me pase esto. ¿Utilidad de esta entrada?,
- En el caso de que os funcione, conocéis la pagina y si sabéis me solucionáis el problema;
- En caso de que sea que definitivamente ya no esta, ninguna.


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