Monday, February 14, 2011

Toe Hurts When I Bend It

civil society around the world come together to ask the G-20 to end the secrecy of tax havens and Daniel Ernesto

From InspirAction NGOs, issued the following press release which From the back seat , as on other occasions, we are happy to echo, because it represents not only a social movement for justice fiscal, if not to combat poverty ACTING, that we forget among many lines full of words that indicate good intentions.
Note Release:

civil society around the world come together to ask the G-20 to end the secrecy of tax havens Madrid, February 2011 - Organizations around the world launched a campaign for President Sarkozy is committed to ending the secrecy of tax havens during the G20 summit to be held this year in France. The organizations behind this campaign, presented at the Social Forum being held these days in Dakar, including the English InspirAction and Oxfam, as well as NGOs and international coalitions that promote justice tax. ;

"We have thousands of activists around the world will unite with one voice demand an end to the financial opacity of tax havens" says Isabel Ortigosa, a spokesman for the NGO InspirAction.

"They are the member states of the G-20 that have the power to compel those courts to end the impunity that protects large fortunes and businesses to avoid taxes, pay or receive bribes and money laundering."

irresponsible practices by some unscrupulous multinationals now account for tax costs for most developing countries that receive international aid. These benefits, rather of being in the states where real activity is generated, is derived from tax havens.

"Remove the secrecy of tax havens reduce tax evasion and allow governments of poor countries have the necessary resources to increase social spending at home and be more effective in the fight against poverty and inequality " adds Isabel Ortigosa.

From the website of the coalition citizens may address this message to the world's top leaders:

"The tax losses each year exceed 160,000 million dollars worldwide, at a time when the global financial crisis has forced to make drastic cuts in national budgets.

Each year developing countries lose more money from tax evasion to receive in development aid. Therefore, the G20 member states must act now against this injustice and put an end to tax havens "

list of organizations behind this campaign: InspirAction (Spain), Oxfam (Spain), Christian Aid (United Kingdom), Tax Justice Network Africa, Tax Justice Network (UK), Global Financial Integrity (USA), Action Aid, Oxfam, Terre CCFD Solidaire (France), CRBM (Italy) and Eurodad (a coalition of organizations).

Say NO to tax havens !


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