So I went to run for the first time this mean that he had heard much good. Was no target so I decided to go with my friend Marta who was looking for 1:35.
During heating Schuster saw the camera was going to call and there "locked" with several African and machinery (such as), we chatted a while since we met since 2009, and we wish mutually luck. A who did not see was a Victor to another will be.

He turned and went out collecting well outside the target time, and did well for 3 to 8 was itching upwards. And we got to 8 with 14 second delay on the pace we had, but from there down to 17 was thus not so bad.
starts down and start up time, but soon between 9 and 10 begins to decay back to the pace, and gradually going to but. So that 12 we had about 50 'behind. Here Marta decides that deserves further suffering, we are not going well and losing time. And we went down the pace, by the target was ya un dejarnos ir, entre la cabeza que una vez abandonado el objetivo no te permite el esfuerzo, ella que no iba muy fina, yo que también me da un retortijón, y me dio algún pinchazin en los isquio, nada grave, se podía aguantar pero para que arriesgar, vamos perdiendo posiciones paulatinamente y llegamos en 1:42.
Eso si tuvimos ratos de charleta y reirnos, de ver alguno que nos pasaba y yo decia “¿pero a que ritmo vamos?” (no lo digo que me da vergüenza), y una cosa que nos llamo la atención vi a mucha gente andando, ya alguno en el km 7, pero entre el 15 y meta es que, como decía Marta, parecía que estuviésemos acabando un maratón más que una average, had only seen that in the Vig Bay last year, but was by the tremendous heat that did it. Here the profile is good for the brand and the weather was perfect. The only thing you can say it was due, could be the time (16:30), and that people did not do good digestion. On the other hand to highlight the people of the two towns that the race again, and when it passes through the two towns is a joy to public and animation.
Good to see if more come Sunday the 10 km of Langreo.
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