From the pages of this blog entry we have dedicated enough to the crisis that plagues us as a major factor in poverty levels with all that it generates, but there is no area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of the major banks but it also extends the field of energy and environment.
are many independent blogs expert in macroeconomics, pointing that after the initial economic crisis we will destroy the energy crisis. The development plans of China and India for the coming years is going to lead to a lack of raw materials will affect the economy and of course in the battered and environmental status land. Is what it is and we can not invent or coal, or gas or oil.
There are many proposals and initiatives throughout the network have been developed and the common thought that enable new technologies have done the rest. Now we just take action and go trial, is time to begin to turn ideas into reality. No longer, we must act NOW. Since the NGO
Inspiraction, we seek to spread the press release that collects the protest action before the World Bank for their role in climate change, something, so we should all protest.
Greetingsprotest in Madrid against World Bank responsibility for Climate Change Activists
InspirAction, Friends of the Earth and Ecologists in Action asked to investments in fossil fuels.
(Madrid, March 1, 2011) InspirAction organizations, Ecologists in Action and Friends of the Earth have protested this morning in front of the Ministry of Economy against the World Bank investments made in renewable energies, with the support of English government.
occasion of Global Action Day, today organized protests against the World Bank in a dozen cities including Zagreb, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Johannesburg, Washington, London and Madrid to denounce the New Energy Strategy of World Bank Group plans to be implemented from 2011. These symbolic actions seeking to pressure the World Bank to stop funding to ensure that fossil fuels and to sue the English Government to stop giving money to the World Bank.
organizations delivered a letter to the Minister Elena Salgado in which reported that in 2010 the World Bank Group, supported by the English public, US-funded with $ 6,600 million fossil fuels in emerging countries and poor, 116% more than the previous year. Isabel
Ortigosa, of InspirAction, explains: "The current energy policy World Bank is mainly in private sector financing fossil fuel projects to large scale, an approach that has clearly failed to provide power to the impoverished communities and reduce poverty. In fact these projects, to release more carbon into the atmosphere, accelerating climate change. This causes even more poverty. "
In the past five years, the World Bank financing for coal power plants has increased by 40, reaching a dismal record of 3,300 million euros in 2010. In South Africa, World Bank lent to the company Eskom to build a coal power plant to provide subsidized energy to large enterprises, while local families who are fortunate enough to have access to electricity face a sharp increase in their bills and worsening living conditions. The new plant emits about 25 million tons of CO ² per year, causing more climate change and air pollution, water and seriously affecting the health of local communities. Precisely
South Africa will take place this year United Nations summit to continue international negotiations on climate change, which intends to ratify the World Bank's role. Despite the lack of credibility that the World Bank for its investment in dirty energy policy, this institution was chosen in the last negotiations in Cancun as the new trust fund to help poor countries in fighting climate change.
"We can not stand by while the World Bank further indebted countries in the South, making it totally dependent on fossil fuels in coming decades," says Alejandro González Friends of the Earth. "We urge the English government to boost funding policy in the fight against climate change without involving the World Bank."
The World Bank has a long history of undermining human rights and integrity organic. For an institution that actively promotes the causes of global warming should not be granted a role in global financing for energy. On the contrary, he should press for an end to such dirty energy policies and practices, required by the three organizations.
"public financial contributions of the English Government World Bank Group worsen climate change, which affects negatively and disproportionately poor countries," explains Tom Kucharz Ecologists in Action.
"Therefore we demand that the English Government, to cut to zero the inputs to the World Bank Group and to invest public money renewable energy, combating climate change and poverty eradication. "
For more information: Isabel
Ortigosa (InspirAction) Tel: +34 672 089 800
Alejandro González (FoE) Tel: + 34691482308
Tom Kucharz (Ecologists in Action) Tel: +34 619 949 053
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